SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

作为呼吸治疗师, you will use a variety of sophisticated equipment and techniques to measure how a patient’s lungs and circulatory system are working in order to evaluate and monitor a patient’s respiratory health. Doctors and nurses rely on Respiratory Therapists’ specialized knowledge in areas such as use of oxygen and oxygen mixtures, 气雾剂药物.

你将治疗各种各样的病人, 从肺部尚未发育完全的早产儿身上, 给受伤的老年人, 严重的疾病, 肺气肿, 慢性哮喘, 还有其他疾病. 你团队里的其他医护人员, 还有你的病人, 将依靠你每天收集的信息和你带来的技术专长.


在GCC,你可以完成应用科学十大靠谱赌博平台课程(A.A.S.),在短短两年的全日制学习中获得呼吸护理. 通过国家委员会考试后, 你将能够进入劳动力市场, 哪里有100%的就业机会.

海湾合作委员会于1995年开始了呼吸保健计划,并得到了CoARC的全面认可, 呼吸护理认证委员会. 我们的教室和实验室设施是纽约州最好的, 提供令人兴奋的学习体验.

该项目占据了自己的侧翼,里面有一个看起来像医院病房的实验室, 用管道输送氧气和压缩空气. 设备是最新的。, 随着教育补助金和捐赠不断带来现代化设备. This will allow you to be prepared with a working knowledge of the equipment you will use in your first work experience.

海湾合作委员会位于纽约州西部主要城市罗切斯特和布法罗之间. 因为我们的位置, 你可以访问20多个不同的临床站点, 确保该地区最完整的临床教育. 在我们的项目中,你将完成近900小时的临床经验.



  1. 提交一个GCC 招生程序.
  2. 提交高中成绩单或GED信息到 GCC招生.
  3. 提交所有大学成绩单至 GCC招生.
  4. 提交你的 程序应用程序 直接向 莫林·韦尔奇您也可以将您的项目申请传真至585-345-6934


有关申请呼吸系统护理计划的完整要求列表,请参阅 招生过程.



呼吸护理项目是由 呼吸护理认可委员会 (CoARC). CoARC对美国的呼吸治疗教育项目进行认证. 为了实现这一目标,它采用了“基于结果”的流程. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented. 经CoARC认证的项目的结果数据可在 CoARC网站上的规划成果数据页面 (搜索程序#200435).


纽约州以其高质量的许可和认证专业人员而自豪. 为了保护其公民, each license and certificate have requirements that individuals must meet in order to be licensed or certified in 纽约 State. GCC’s academic programs leading to licensure or certification are carefully designed to meet and exceed these 纽约 State requirements. 这是纽约州立大学在保护公众方面所扮演的角色. 然而,其他州通常也有自己的要求.

杰纳西社区学院 不能确定 无论是呼吸护理的教育课程,A.A.S., 如果成功完成, is sufficient to meet the licensure and certification requirements for practicing in 呼吸道护理 in States and U.S. 领土 除了纽约. 强烈建议在校生和准学生与所在州的许可实体(如果不在纽约执业的话)审查其所选择的州所规定的所有许可证和认证要求.

We encourage you to talk to your program director if you plan to practice in a State 除了纽约 after graduation.


The 美国国家呼吸保健委员会 offers credentialing exams that graduates of this program may be eligible to sit for. 1月15日生效, 2015年单考笔试合格, “Therapist Multiple-Choice 考试ination” (TMC) is required to earn the Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) credential while a series of both the TMC and the Clinical Simulation 考试ination (CSE) is required to earn the Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT) credential. 通过NBRC确定的“低分”TMC的个人获得CRT证书. 通过NBRC确定的“高Cut”分数的TMC的个人有资格参加CSE. 成功获得TMC的高分和CSE的及格分数可获得RRT证书. 十大靠谱赌博平台这些证书和相关考试的更多信息可以在网上找到 美国国家呼吸保健委员会.

注意:在纽约州有资格获得执照需要证书. 然而,资格认证并不能保证获得执照. 有关在纽约州获得执业呼吸治疗执照的更多信息,可在网上找到 纽约州职业办公室.

The following information compares our most recent graduates’ performance to the national average of all candidates attempting these exams. 此数据来自NBRC学校总结报告,截至2017年4月19日是准确的. This information is also reported to the 呼吸护理认可委员会 (CoARC) on an annual basis.


考试 GCC总合格率 国家Avg GCC第一次通过 国家Avg
台湾记忆体公司低 100% 68.12% 92.86% 82.92%
台湾记忆体公司高 100% 52.52% 88.09% 73.79%
CSE 87.80% 50.25% 41.46% 56.16%





  1. Demonstrate professional behavior consistent with employer expectations for advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by an employer survey with 90% of employers rating the graduate as acceptable or higher.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of professional behavior consistent with advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by a graduate survey with 90% of graduates rating the program as acceptable or higher in preparing them to display professional behavior in the workplace.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the field of respiratory therapy consistent with advanced‐level respiratory therapists by passing the National Board for 呼吸道护理’s Certified Respiratory Therapist and Registered Respiratory Therapist exams with a pass rate equal to or above the national average.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the field of respiratory therapy consistent with employer expectations for advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by an employer survey with 90% of employers rating the graduate as acceptable or higher.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the field of respiratory therapy consistent with advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by a graduate survey with 90% of graduates rating the program as acceptable or higher in preparing them to display the knowledge  needed in the workplace.
  6. Demonstrate the technical skills consistent with employer expectations to fulfill their roles as advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by an employer survey with 90% of employers rating the graduate as acceptable or higher.
  7. Demonstrate the technical skills consistent with advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by a graduate survey with 90% of graduates rating the program as acceptable or higher in preparing them to display the technical skills needed in the workplace.
  8. Demonstrate that the program prepared the graduate consistent with employer expectations to fulfill their roles as advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by an employer survey with 90% of employers rating the graduate as acceptable or higher.
  9. Demonstrate that the program prepared the graduate to fulfill their role as advanced‐level respiratory therapists as documented by a graduate survey with 90% of graduates rating the program as acceptable or higher in preparing them to fulfill their roles as  Advanced‐level respiratory therapists in the workplace.




海湾合作委员会毕业生准备参加国家呼吸保健委员会(NBRC)考试,以获得注册呼吸治疗师(RRT)证书. 这些证书使毕业生有资格申请国家呼吸治疗执照.  The program utilizes approximately 30 different clinical rotations in western NY and the majority of graduates are offered jobs at these locations upon graduation.